Vlaams fruit

Flemish Fruit

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51.453 tons
Production of strawberries

Strawberry production accounts for some ample 51,453 tons in 2023. Most of the production is mainly in the Flemish part of Belgium. Our main markets are the Netherlands and France.

381.310 tons

Since 2012, Belgium has been producing more pears than apples. In the 2023/2024 season, Belgium produced 381,310 tonnes of pears, the vast majority in Flanders.

The export of apples

91% of our apples go to the surrounding countries. The Netherlands is the largest customer with a share of 46%. France (27%) and Germany (17%) complete the top 3.

Typical assortment of Flemish fruit

The largest Flemish apple variety in terms of quantity is Jonagold, followed by amongst others Jonagored, Boskoop and Golden Delicious, Kanzi, Joly Red, Greenstar, etc.

Conference pears are the main pear variety, followed by Durondeau and Doyenne.

The main crops of berries, also called summer fruit or soft fruit, are strawberries, red, white and black currants, blueberries, gooseberries, blackberries, kiwi, grapes and raspberries.

The strictest quality requirements apply from the cultivation material to the end product. Processing, packaging and storage also occur with the utmost care. Optimum storage systems ensure a long-term supply.

Flemish berries

The supply of Flemish berries is growing.

Flemish Conference pears

Conference pears are the main pear variety.

Flemish apples

The largest Flemish apple variety in terms of quantity is Jonagold.

Responsibly Fresh

Over recent years, the Flemish fruit and vegetable cooperatives, better known as ‘the auctions’ and their growers, have been honouring their pledges to commit themselves to sustainable development.

In 2012, VBT, along with its member marketing cooperatives and the associated growers, launched the collective sustainability project and label Responsibly Fresh. VBT itself, the marketing cooperatives and the growers each made specific commitments. The sustainability challenges in the cooperatively organised fresh fruit and vegetable sector are to be tackled collectively. This makes the collective character of Responsibly Fresh unique.

Six years down the line, this third sustainability report gives a snapshot of what we have been doing. Since the project started in 2012, the participants have made definite progress in terms of sustainable development. There have been positive developments in economic, environmental and social terms alike.

Responsibly Fresh